Battlefield Play4Free of BF P4F zoals je wilt

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Battlefield Play4Free of BF P4F zoals je wilt

Post by Child_of_Q » 06 Nov 2010 23:35

Gisteren al even besproken in mirc met een paar trollen.
Dit kan fun worden, mix BF2 met BC2 en krijg een min of meer gratis BF P4F variant.
Van de makers van BF heroes dus.
Eerst dacht ik, het zal wel een arcade spel worden zoals heroes, maar niets is minder waar.
Hier twee linkjes die dat weerleggen.
De eerste is een officiele trailer, let eens op de muziek heren BF lovers, ik proef een opgelapte BF2 deuntje :]
Mijn hart gaat alweer open bij die muziek, dat ik veruit het beste vond van alle FPS dat ik heb gespeeld.
Oja kent iemand dit Karkand nog? :mrgreen: ... r_embedded

Twee linkje is een ontwikkelaar die ook zijn knuistjes heeft gebruikt bij het fabriceren van BF Heroes.
Ik heb dit van de site, het is geen officieel filmpje van de makers van BF P4F, maar een docu van
Keurig gemaakt trouwens.
Ik weet niet hoelang dit online blijft, snel kijken dus.

De reden waarom ze dit maken weet ik nog niet echt, ik vermoed om de tijd te overbruggen naar BF3 en ondertussen potentiele spelers niet naar andere games te laten vertrekken.
Ik ga het zeker bekijken en negeer gewoon het nu al negatieve gedoe rondom die microtransities die geen hond gaat kopen.
Gewoon lekker es verkennen en weer ondergedompeld raken in het BF2 sfeertje.
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Re: Battlefield Play4Free of BF P4F zoals je wilt

Post by Child_of_Q » 27 Nov 2010 11:01

Even wat questions and answers quoten hier, verzameld door een paar addicten.
Q. What's the game's name & website:
A. The full game name is Battlefield Play4Free. The game's website is You can also visit: and

Q. Which studio is developing the game, and is it impacting work on BC2 / BC2:Vietnam / BF3:
A. The studio responsible is the same one that created BF Heroes, Play4Free. As it is not DICE that has developed the game, its development should have had no impact on BC2 / BC2:Vietnam / BF3.

Q. Are there any useful Twitter accounts?
A. The official twitter account is: You might also look at following Ben Cousins: And of course there is good old zh1nt0, the Community Manager for the Battlefield series: In addition Battlefield Play4Free has its own Community Representative, Chris Murphy. You can follow him on twitter here:

Q. When does the beta start?
A. The closed beta starts November 30th, 2010. The open beta starts early 2011. This info was posted on the Heroes site. Click here to view it on BFCommunities

Q. How do I get into the beta?
A. You can sign up for the closed beta by going to and entering your email address. The open beta is assumed to be completely open to anyone. If you are a BF Heroes player, and have won at least one round in the game, you'll automatically get an invite to the open beta.

Q. Is the game PC only?
A. According to this tweet from Benjamin Cousins, yes: ... 6052387840. "@bfplay4free is PC only, but WILL run on your PC, even if it isn't a dedicated gaming rig. Drop the gamepad and get back to the PC :)"
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Re: Battlefield Play4Free of BF P4F zoals je wilt

Post by Child_of_Q » 27 Nov 2010 11:04

Ooo je wilt nog wat meer questions and answers?
Q. What engine is used in the game??
A. According to this article, it is a highly tweaked version of the BF2 engine..

Q. How much of an advantage will paying players have?
A. Difficult to say at the moment, that will become more apparent when the game is released. It's also important to note this is a moving target - the benefits / advantages player can buy when the game is released will no doubt change as the game grows and more content is added. Information at the moment indicates temporary boosts for gaining experience points will be purchasable, but mostly it will be aesthetic changes to your character that can be bought.

Q. What maps will be included?
A. The launch day map was a version of Karkand. Details of other maps have not yet been released, although according to Eurogamer many BC2 maps will be included.. The version of Karkand is smaller with a slightly different layout. *Update 16/11/2010 - there will be three maps at launch

Q. What game modes will be included?
A. At the moment we know there will be a new, un-named game mode revolving around capturing and holding flags (so a variant on Conquest). However no news on what other modes the game will ship with.

Q. What classes will there be?
A. According to the interview with Ben Cousins video (see videos at the end of this article), it will be BC2 classes; Assault, Medic, Recon, Engineer.

Q. What vehicles will there be?
A. According to this excellent summary from Planet Battlefield there will be 16 vehicles, including the Mi-28 helicopter, F35 jet, Russian T-90 and LSV light strike vehicle.
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Re: Battlefield Play4Free of BF P4F zoals je wilt

Post by Child_of_Q » 27 Nov 2010 11:06

hmm ok nog wat questions and answers.
Q. How much customisation can I do to my in-game character?
A. You in-game character (avatar) will be completely customisable.

Q. Will there be prone?
A. At the moment it does not look that way. Prone is not shown on any of the gameplay videos or in the images that have been released.

Q. Will the game feel more like BF2 or BC2?
A. According to Eurogamer it will be far more akin to Bad Company 2 rather than the original BF2.. This has been confirmed in the interview with Ben Cousins (see video section at the end).

Q. Will I need an uber high-spec computer to run this thing?
A. Nope. Easy Studios have been quite specific in that the game will have fairly low hardware requirements.

Q. How large will the download be?
A. Planet Battlefield and Eurogamer have both mentioned 500MB, however it's unclear if this is for the complete game or the demo.

Q. Will there be clan support, and if so what form will this take?
A. No word on this at the moment. I did tweet Ben Cousins about this, but (understandably) did not get a reply: ... 9325002752

Q. Is there a match-making system?
A. James Salt has confirmed there will be a matchmaking system when you join a server. This means you'll be playing against other people of your skill level (similar system to BF Heroes).
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Re: Battlefield Play4Free of BF P4F zoals je wilt

Post by gunnie nl » 15 Dec 2010 21:04

nou ff 1/2 uurtje bezig geweest lol
ja het is een beta, hand voet en ellebogen bij nodig.

grafisch oke, (je ziet niet verder als 1 straat) maar het is toch anders als anders.

probeer het maar eens, ohw ja m24 is wat uber. ;)


dat zegt genoeg......


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Re: Battlefield Play4Free of BF P4F zoals je wilt

Post by Child_of_Q » 07 Apr 2011 21:43

Ding is uit hoor!
Of hebben we dat even gemist tijdens een lekker potje Battlefield BC2?
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Re: Battlefield Play4Free of BF P4F zoals je wilt

Post by -=TROLLS=-Barticus » 07 Apr 2011 22:48

ik had zo'n beta key en was niet onder de indruk, vandaar dat ik er geen aandacht meer aan heb besteed.
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Re: Battlefield Play4Free of BF P4F zoals je wilt

Post by Drakonen » 08 Apr 2011 10:38

-=TROLLS=-Barticus wrote:ik had zo'n beta key en was niet onder de indruk, vandaar dat ik er geen aandacht meer aan heb besteed.
Ik had hetzelfde.
Image I found my old sig!

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Re: Battlefield Play4Free of BF P4F zoals je wilt

Post by Child_of_Q » 19 Jul 2011 09:00

Hmmm toch even dit spel uitgeprobeerd.
Het kan dus nog erger dan dat je zou verwachten.
Heeft welgeteld 3 minuten geduurd met me...
Eraf! :mrgreen:
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